Ms.Janet Tran
Skype: janet.tran.92
WhatsApp: +84 978 847 058
The business cycle is changing continuously and rapidly, which raises the need of business owners of being updated about customer’s need, want and demand in order to anticipate the future business context and have a sound move in time. Magento Pre-order Extension grants you the ability to evaluate the customers’ product acceptance level through a very simple way.
By clicking on “Pre-order” button, customers not only show you their interests in your products but also their abilities to purchase these items. This provides you with the surface knowledge about customers’ preference and financial status, which are very important to the market research progress. All in all, it’s not only about supplying the deficit product quantity properly but also about how you will target the right customers in the future.
Product Specification of Magento Pre-order extension
The business cycle is changing continuously and rapidly, which raises the need for business owners of being updated about customer’s need, want and demand in order to anticipate the future business context and have a sound move in time. Magento Pre-order Extension grants you the ability to evaluate the customers’ product acceptance level through a very simple way.
Many benefits below are reasons why your website should get it:
Using Magento Advanced inventory extension for customers is easier than ever. See steps below to understand how it works:
Firstly, go to the category page, you can see "Pre-Order" button will replace for "Add to cart" button.
After by clicking on “Pre-order” button, customers not only show you their interests in your products but also their abilities to purchase these items.
If shop owner have a little knowledge about technology, just follow 4 steps below to see how it works easily
Step 1: Install extension package as the user guide.
Step 2: Enable or disable extension: Go to System >> Configuration >> CMSMART Extensions >> Pre-Order Extension.
Step 3: Add Product Pre-Order: Go to Catalog >> Manage product
Step 4: Go to front-end to view changes.
2014, Sep 07
Magento 1.6.x, Magento 1.7.x, Magento 1.8.x, Magento 1.9.2.x, Magento 1.9.x
We are proud ourselves to release our quality products to the e-commerce world.
We provide many powerful completed Printshop, Multistore marketplace, etc solutions for industry
We have a dedicated support team that delivery the excellent support
If you don't like our product as it is, you can custom it as you want
We also want to have a long-term partnership with customer to support and take care
See our changelog below to update your site better
Compatible with: Magento 1.6.x, Magento 1.7.x, Magento 1.8.x, Magento 1.9.2.x, Magento 1.9.x
+ Compatible with MCE 1.5.x - 1.9.x
Please fill out the customization request form if you need any
Ms.Janet Tran
Skype: janet.tran.92
WhatsApp: +84 978 847 058
Mr. Vincent Ray
Skype: live:vincent_4281
WhatsApp: +84 963 296 509
Recently, we discovered how client loving working with us by their 5 star recommedation