Magik is a Magento product development and solutions company. We focus on helping you design, build and manage rich Magento-powered stores. Our products help you to extend the power of Magento, connect with 3rd party applications and streamline the operations of your store from marketing to fulfillment. Our services are designed to give you peace of mind that your support queries will be resolved instantly. your store can be customized as per your requirements and it will run smoothly.
Support information
Become a client on Cmsmart, you are protected strongly with our Client Protection Programe. Especially we built -in a strong Central Ticket Support system to help clients and partners working on the products item support after purchased.
Go to item supportProducts from Magik
Furnicom Furniture Store Magento Template
We have designed this Magento theme with user experience, engagement and conversion in mind. So as you adopt and personalize this theme, you can be sure that optimization is already taken care of.
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