Ms.Janet Tran
Skype: janet.tran.92
WhatsApp: +84 978 847 058
Email: [email protected]
Your website introduces different products in which have different items and you want to display a number of items on the product details page, Magento Product Images Slideshow Extension will be a brilliant concept for adding items' images on the product page. This module will convert items' images of a product into slideshow style. Your customers will be more convenient to compare different items of a product.
We all know that images sell products. With our Magento Product Image Slideshow Extension, you can display photos more conveniently in beautiful effects attracting customers on products that you sell on your site. Now, your products pages will have an attractive tool to view images larger on clicks.
Many benefits below are reasons why your website should get it:
Using Magento Images slideshow extension for customers is easier than ever. See steps below to understand how it works:
Step 1: Go to product detail page
Step 2: Moving the mouse onto the main images, there will be effects and light box.
Step 3: Clicking on thumbnail images to replace the main image
If shop owner have a little knowledge about technology, just follow 2 steps below to see how it works easily
Step 1: Install this extension as the user guide.
Step 2: Go to System -> Configuration -> CMSMART Extensions -> Slide Product then set up as you want
2015, Jan 23
Magento 1.7.x, Magento 1.8.x, Magento 1.9.2.x, Magento 1.9.x
We are proud ourselves to release our quality products to the e-commerce world.
We provide many powerful completed Printshop, Multistore marketplace, etc solutions for industry
We have a dedicated support team that delivery the excellent support
If you don't like our product as it is, you can custom it as you want
We also want to have a long-term partnership with customer to support and take care
See our changelog below to update your site better
Compatible with: Magento 1.7.x, Magento 1.8.x, Magento 1.9.2.x, Magento 1.9.x
+ Compatible with Magento CE 1.9.x
+ Re-arrange folder structure
+ Upgrade the latest jQuery library, use the same jQuery library and selector
# Fix function Lightbox Full Screen
+ Compatible with MCE 1.5.x - 1.9.x
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